Tuesday 22 June 2021

Put on the right dresses, beat the heat in style this summer season

The summer season is identified with scorching heat, sweat, and uneasy weather. Extreme summer can wreak havoc on your body and lifestyle, cause you to sweat, leads to dehydration, and may cause rashes and itching. So, what’s the way out? Well, even summer can be beautiful. With a bit of tweaking in our lifestyle and dressing sense, we can turn problems into opportunities.                       

Girls, you can beat the heat in style this summer season. It’s within our reach. Not a big deal. Even parents are worried, what to recommend for their daughter to decimate the summer and heatwaves.

In this short yet insightful blog, we are striving to help parents and girls make the best out of summer with intelligent dressing sense. Right clothes and the right fabric are the keys to flaunt style this summer. So, are you ready to take the first step?


Stick to cotton and cotton made dresses             

Fashion experts recommend wearing cotton-made dresses and attires during the summer season. Why? Of course, there are strong and substantial reasons behind the thought process. It’s not a mere guess. Cotton is tailor-made for the season as it absorbs the sweat dripping due to heat from your body and allows emitting through evaporation. Can you believe it, cotton acts like a towel! Further, the clothes like pants, skirts, middies, tops, etc made out of cotton discourage the growth of bacteria. That’s why fashion experts and style makers call the fabric perfect for summer. 

Stay away from synthetic fabrics  

Stay away from dresses and clothes made out of synthetic fabrics. There are obvious reasons behind this point of view. Synthetic fabrics don’t allow the evaporation process, it’s there, however, it’s too lethargic. When we sweat, it remains stick to the body for a long, leads to numerous consequences. Nobody would like to afford those outcomes.            

There are tons of kids' wear manufacturers offering a wide range of elegant girls clothes. In this era of technology, what’s exciting is – you don’t have to step out. From the cozy comfort of your home, browse a few e-commerce websites offering girls’ clothes. Within a jiffy, you’ll have options galore to choose for the wardrobe of your daughter. Sounds exciting! Credit goes to innovation and technology.    

Choose light colours over dark and grey

 Why so? Why do style experts recommend wearing light-coloured clothes? Well, there’s a science behind this notion.

Light coloured fabrics like white, sky blue, yellow, and a host of other shades have the poor absorbing capability of the Sun's powerful rays. In fact, light-coloured clothes repel rays back into the ecosystem. You would be surprised to know that dark fabric on the other hand have the extreme power to absorb the rays, leads to excessive sweating. So, it’s a double whammy for your body – summer heat and dark coloured clothes.   

India’s financial capital, Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra is flooded with companies galore offering myriad girls wear ranges in light colours.

Tight clothes are not suitable          

Yes, you got it right, tight clothes are not suitable during the summer season. Tight-fitting clothes prevent blood circulation. At times it may lead to severe repercussions. So, at least for a few months put off your plan to wear tight-fitting clothes. Health is wealth!

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